Monoprice Select Mini Spool Holder

Monoprice Select Mini Spool Holder


The ZiggTech spool holder allows you to mount most types of 3D filament spools while minimizing binding, unlike the oem spool holder. The spool holder also significantly improves how well the Monoprice Mini can print flexible filaments. Bowden tube extruders are at a disadvantage to direct gear extruders for printing flexible filaments because the filament drive is so far from the extruder. Flexible filament acts as a damper expanding and contracting as its pushed and pulled. This can cause build up in the nozzle and eventually jamming and failed prints. By aligning the spool with the drive, less tension is placed on the filament which leads to less deformation. If you would like to buy one the below link will take you to my amazon product page, and should provide you with a 10% discount. If you have any problems please let me know. It just mounts to the top of the printer with 3 screws, I'd recommend getting the below screws. You should be able to find them in a hardware store. M3 Machine screw 8mm in Length Qty 2 M3 Machine screw 15mm in Length Qty 1 The picture with the arrows is figure 1. DO NOT REMOVE SCREW 2. Installation Steps 1) Remove the original spool holders from the slots on the side of the printer. 2) Remove screws 1, 3, and 4 as seen in Figure 1. DO NOT REMOVE SCREW 2. 3) Place the spool holder, onto the select mini as shown in Figure 1. 4) Using a Philips screwdriver screw in the long screw into hole 1 as shown in Figure 1. 5) Using a Philips screwdriver screw the short screws provided, into holes 3 and 4 as shown in Figure 1. 6) Installation is now complete, happy printing!



