Rocket with Plume

Rocket with Plume


I love Nico Kazz's rocket and plume but cannot get the rocket to print on my machine at this scale without getting a spaghetti blow out. So I started looking for a rocket that would print and fit Nico's plume design, before I try to scale up the rocket and plume. I found one but it didn’t look quite right on Nico's exhaust plume. I replicated the plume 4 times and added more puff to the plume then I combined it with Shawn Rains rocket to get this result. Then I added the middle flame which you may find needs to be glued into place I used 1cm brim as there is not much to hold the rocket to the base plate and added support just for the the middle of the rocket. No support or brim is needed for the plume.The tolerance is tight and you may need to do a bit of sanding to get it to snap together.







3D Printing