Spool-Upcycling for MasterSpool Refills

Spool-Upcycling for MasterSpool Refills


Remixed [techam's upcycling nut & bolt-system](https://www.thingiverse.com/thing:2782912) to work with some additional spools. I included the original and unmodified bolt for simplicity. The follwing spools are available for MasterSpool upcycling and **are tested to work** with MasterSpool-refills from DAS Filament: * Tiertime/Cetus/UP Fila 700g Spools * Verbatim 1kg Spools How-tos for each individual spool type can be found below. **Don't forget to:** * clean your spools after all the work to avoid dust getting into your nozzle * anchor the inner end of the filament refill while assembling the spool * cut the cable ties before printing I really can recommend the Verbatim spools as source for MasterSpools. Easy to work with, already has some slots to prevent the two halves from spinning against each other, the hub can be unmounted completely so even a custom hub would be possible for larger refills like > 1kg (1 kg would probable fit without modifications, for the smaller 850 g refills one side has to be trimmed down a bit). Untouched files from the original are prefixed with `original_` and the OpenSCAD-Scripts are included for own experiments.



