Tello Drone LEM (Lunar Excursion Module)
<h1>Tello Lunar Excursion Module (LEM) </h1> <b>UPDATE</b> <i>When I first test flew this it didn't have the Nozzle in place. After attaching it I discovered it interferes with the Tello's altitude and stabilization system so it needed to go. At the same time I re-positioned the Tello more forward and modified the attachments to open up the view for the sensors. So if you downloaded the parts be sure the mount parts A,B and C are v2.</i> This little LEM tribute model is fun (and fragile) to fly. Based around the [Tello Drone]( Depending on the filament you use - it may not survive a bad landing. I found the groovey looking gold filament to be more brittle than regular PLA. - It requires CA glue and a couple of heavy duty paperclips. - The frame can be printed without supports but that may vary depending on how good your printer is at doing bridges. - The dish section just snaps on. -The Legs are hollow so you can insert the heavy duty paperclip rod into them to give them the strength needed to hold up to semi hard landings. You will need to glue them in place. -The drone mount is in 3 parts that snap together - you can glue this but it's a good tight fit. - Part C fits into the center slot of the heat sync on the bottom of the Tello - Part D glues to the back of the drone base to support the rear end of the Tello - Glue the Panels onto the frame - Glue the Drone Mount to the frame so the C panel is aligned with one of the legs - Glue the Ladder to the leading leg - Glue small scrap filament into the hole in the dishes and the antenna mount - Glue the Hatch doorway to the area just above the leading leg. Here is the [Fusion 360 file to review]( I will update this with more pictures and video - stay tuned.