Wowgo - Rubber Fender v1

Wowgo - Rubber Fender v1


Designed for use on Wowgo2s esk8 board ,do not know if it fits any other boards . If you found this design very helpful or otherwise wish to support me ,you can buy me a cup of coffee ( helps keeping the brain active so i can create new stuff ) ;-) ,then please consider using this link : <a href="" target="_blank"><img src="" alt="Buy Me A Coffee" style="height: auto !important;width: auto !important;" ></a> For one set/end you need to print 2 pcs. of this and glue it to the board ,i used some strong glue and had it sit for some time ,works perfectly :-) . I used NinjaFlex as filament but you can use any soft flex filament. I think that the NinjaFlex i used have a shore softness/hardness around a85 . This is v1 which i use atm ,but i have designed and printed a v2 of this fender that is in one piece ,it looks nicer than this one ,but since i did not want to print rubber with support ,the v2 on one side is not going as far into the face of the Wowgo board ,so it is all up to you which one that suits your taste . This is what i have made for the Wowgo2s so far : Fender v2 : Handle : Bushing : Damper plate 6mm and 10mm:







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