Infill Visualization Tool

Infill Visualization Tool


A visual aid that shows what different infill densities look like. ___ This is another useful item that you can be added to your collection of 3D printing tools. Before you begin printing, you can use this reference to determine the density of infill you will need or want. This reference tool was originally made because I kept complaining to someone I knew that they were using far too much infill for cosmetic parts. They say that they have found the reference to be very helpful and use it frequently. I'll admit, I use it quite frequently as well. **This tool is especially useful for when you change or use nozzles with different diameters. For example, when decreasing the nozzle diameter, infill pattern density will increase** while the infill generation algorithm tries to keep the internal percentage of plastic used the same. This can lead to consuming more printer time than may be desired. You can also use this tool to note how supportive certain patterns can be in regards to the top layers of prints. For example, 15% honeycomb may not be able to support a particular feature on the top of a print whereas 15% rectilinear will likely be able to.







3D Printing