MTG deckbox (Golgari)

MTG deckbox (Golgari)


A deckbox for a full sized 60 card sleeved Magic the Gathering deck. As the file names imply, I desgned this for my Saproling deck. The sides show reliefs of both the green and black color logo in mtg, the front has the mtg logo itself and the lid sports a Golgari logo. The box has an additional compartment for Saproling tokens (or anything else you desire). ___________________________________________________________ Extra pieces: As a lock, I bought a simple clasp from a local shop. Since the nails that came with it were 10mm long, I had to make the front wall quite thick. I drilled the holes manually and used two component glue to fix the clasp parts to the base and lid. For the hinge, I used two M3 bolts. They thread themselves into the lid. As you can see on the photos, mine didn't print too well (a lot of layer defects), but my printer was acting up at the time. i hope anybody else can make use of this model, if you do, please let me know! If you have any questions, feel free to ask!



