Ender 3 Controllbox Set "Fullpower" - lownoise inkl Marlin or Klipper (+Fuse+Rasspi3+stepdowns.....)
#Another underbed-onthefly-standalone Box for Ender 3 ### UPDATE: added ### Bottom Mount without USB but holes for switches ### MSK Gen L / SKR Bottom left Mount ### POW PSU mount ##Printing Time some bottom parts á 2-3h, Top 1-2h <ol> <li>Supports up to 4 Stepdown (2x12V Fan Box & Hotend,1x5,2v Rasspi</li> <li>Support Rasspi 3 (active cooling) (60mm Fan in)</li> <li>Support KFB 2.0 (active cooling) (4020 Fan in - 60mm Fan out)</li> <li>Support Mosfet (dont needed but if u want)</li> <li>Support Carfuse Block </li> <li>optional Support Amperemeter with Shunt in PSU</li> <li>Support plugable Hotebed (old PSU XT60 or other)</li> <li>Support many space for more</li> </ol> Use T-NutsM3-M5 for the Topcover X axis. + 2x 4020 Fan (Board & Hotend) + 3x 60mm Fan (Board, Rasspi & PSU) + 1x radial Fan 5015 (object cooler) Minimal Hotend Fanset: https://www.thingiverse.com/thing:3488506 Marlin 1.1.9 by Lange23 (Supported) +250000 Baud +MKS_GEN_13 - use for KFB 2.0 (edit for other Board) +TMC2208_Standalone +ABL Prepared but not activated +Linear Advance aktive but undeclared Klipper config based on [DEVfalko](https://www.thingiverse.com/DevFalko/) ## Update: Klipper printer.cfg online. I Used: + Object cooling: Titan TFD-B5015M12B (it's a 12 Volt fan but runs wonderfully with 24V) + Hot End Cooling: Cooltek 200400230 Silent Fan (via Stepdown 12v) + Fan housing and power supply 60mm: AAB Cooling Super Silent Fan 6 (via Stepdown 12v housing & PSU have directly regulate 12V Pin inside for Fan) + Front fan case: Cooltek 200400230 Silent Fan (via Stepdown 12v) Noise Example: https://youtu.be/4tYva0PC7z4 Information about POW mount: https://www.thingiverse.com/thing:3613884