Queen Apailana Headdress

Queen Apailana Headdress


This is the headdress worn by Queen Apailana of Naboo in the Star Wars III movie - Revenge of the Sith. Notes: - It is made for a 15,2cm ear-to-ear (included) wide head, and included the beads cover. You need to scale in consequence for you. - There are 2 versions : one full for large printer (uncut version), and one cut in pieces for 15x15cm printers (cut version). - Tolerance for printers with .4mm nozzle are built in the model for the assembly of the various parts. - Advised orientation for printing are indicated in the joint pictures, for both case. - To assemble you will need to print 6 (uncut), or 8 (cut version) pins used as registration keys. See some of the joint pictures for an exploded view on how to assemble. - The "eggs" are separated for easiness of print. - The pattern for the eggs, is to be printed flat, and then use warm water or heat-gun on it to soften it and wrap it around the egg to give the proper shape. The center of the pattern is already on the egg to provide a registration and an easy way to center. The fit is very tight, so you might have to file a bit the center of the pattern. - There is a center "fin", surrounded by two holes, to provide support for the plumes to be added to finish the headdress. - The front is way much longer that needed, on purpose. You will need to trim it to fit your head shape. Enjoy !






