PiChuk, a wireless Raspberry Pi joystick controller.

PiChuk, a wireless Raspberry Pi joystick controller.


This is my attempt to stick a Pi Zero inside of a Wii Nunchuk. I use this to control an organization-type program I made, but I can see this being useful for videogames as well. It is powered by a 750mAH LiPo battery used for drones. I used an Adafruit Powerboost to regulate the power. It uses the Wii Nunchuk's joystick PCB, buttons, and top cover. I tried to get this as compact as possible, but there wasn't nearly enough room to actually fit a Pi Zero completely in a Wii Nunchuk, not even considering the other parts. I modelled the lower body of the Nunchuk to fit all the components in the hand-grip part. I planned to make a cover for the grip portion, but it feels ok to hold already, and I didn't want to add extra bulk. I use this with my Vufine wearable display, which is why I needed it to have a standard HDMI port. Thankfully, the Nunchuk's PCB has a built-in analogue-digital converter, so I didn't have to use a separate one. *** **Components:** * Wii Nunchuk * [Adafruit Powerboost 1000C](https://www.adafruit.com/product/2465) * [750mAH 3.7V Holy Stone Model 752555](https://www.amazon.com/Holy-Stone-750mAh-Battery-Quadcopter/dp/B00X9HIPVW) * HDMI ribbon cable assembly: * [Female standard HDMI](https://www.adafruit.com/product/3551) * [Male mini HDMI](https://www.adafruit.com/product/3553) * [10cm ribbon cable](https://www.adafruit.com/product/3560) *** To get the Pi to recognize the joystick's signal, I used [this module](https://github.com/Boeeerb/Nunchuck).To use the Nunchuk's hardware to control the cursor, I used the Python module [Pynput](https://pypi.org/project/pynput/). *** **This is the script I made to control the mouse and click buttons:** from nunchuck import nunchuck import time from pynput.mouse import Button, Controller wii = nunchuck() mouse = Controller() while True: x = wii.joystick_x() y = wii.joystick_y() x_scaled = ((x - 130)*2)/260 y_scaled = ((y-135)*2)/270 x_curve = int((x_scaled * abs(x_scaled))*100) y_curve = int((y_scaled * abs(y_scaled))*100) time.sleep(0.02) mouse.move(x_curve, y_curve) if wii.Button_z() = True: mouse.click(left,1) if wii.Button_c() = True: mouse.click(right,1) ''' You might have to tweak the values for x_curve and y_curve because each Wii joystick potentiometer I've tried had different limits. It's just rise over run, where 2(x-130) is Δx and 260 is Δy, so if your cursor moves in the opposite direction after moving the joystick all the way, you need to lower the value of that direction. '''






