Whirlygig Mini Tricopter (v1)
#WHIRLYGIG MINI TRICOPTER 1st prototype completed with maiden flight 5/17/2019 ! Weight with Battery 81 Grams. Without the Cam / VTX, it's 60g. AutoTuned without cover and camera (60 Grams) http://dronin-autotown.appspot.com/at/tune/ahFzfmRyb25pbi1hdXRvdG93bnIYCxILVHVuZVJlc3VsdHMYgICAutillAoM For when the weather outside is bad, I've always wanted a small Tricopter capable of indoor flight. Unfortunately something like this doesn't exist on the market so I've taken up the challenge of making my own. After performing all the needed measurements from the equipment currently on hand. I sat down and designed the Whirlygig exclusively using Fusion 360. Speaking of which, the Whirlygig was designed with the following RC components in mind... - Matek F405-Mini Flight Controller (dRonin has support for this board and thus it can auto-tune the PID's) - Runcam Micro Swift 2 Camera - Micro Swifts companion Video Transmitter TX200U - Emax Bullet 6A Electronic Speed Controller - Bluebird BMS-101HV Servo (19 tooth spline) - Brushless DYS 11XX Motors, capable of 2S - Frsky R-XSR Receiver - 2" Propellers (DYS makes some good ones that match the motor) - 2S 300 - 400 mAh LiPo with JST connector - 20 mm stand-offs, Aluminum is fine but printed Nylon would be lighter - Zip-ties, < 2.5 mm wide & 1 mm thick to ensure it fits through the holes. (mine are 2.3 x 0.8 x 90 mm) Motor / Servo Wiring: -Servo to FC pad S1 -Front left motor (North West) to FC pad S2 -Front right motor (North East) to FC pad S3 -Tail motor (South) to FC pad S4 Receiver Wiring S.Port to FC TX4 pad (Uart 4) "non-inverted" Sbus to FC Sbus pad Other Notes: - I've modeled all of the components (including the ESC's) to ensure that everything would fit as intended. If there are any problems please message me via RCE forms. - All the printed parts (together) should be about 12 grams (ABS or Nylon) - Estimated weight with all the above assembled parts should be approx 77 - 80 grams. - When i get around to printing / building mine (next week), I'll use the Matek Micro PDB w/ BEC 5v & 12v. Otherwise you can wire / solder most of the electronics directly. Link to reliant discussion thread: https://rcexplorer.se/forums/topic/tircopter-whirlygig/ Update 5-9-2019 All files. * Received my print outs yesterday and was able to get everything to fit 1st try. That being said, the Prop for the Tilt-Mech comes into contact with the Servo when rotated (Adjusted height), the Tilt-Mech degree markers are not very visible (Made them bigger) and the Zip-Tie / Battery strap holes were very difficult to thread though (now enlarged). Update 5-8-2019 file: Tricopter "Whirlygig" Frame (3 mm high motor mount) * Added a bit of thickness (1 mm) to the Frames "Motor-Mounts so the screws don't protrude into the Motor to far. Update 5-6-2019 * "Horn fit adjusted" to allow the screw to properly pass through and mate with the spline. * Added TPU Camera Mount. File needs to be mirrored as one mount is required for each side. Update 5-3-2019 All files. * Added 3 Screw motor support. * Cleaned up allot of things. * Changed from four stand-offs to using just three. (2 front, 1 rear) The old stand-off holes are still there in case someone needs to use them. Update 5-2-2019 file: Tricopter "Whirlygig" Frame (Servo Fit Adjusted) * Servo-Holder height reduced by 7 mm. Should make printing easier and the frame lighter. * Overall Servo fit within the Holder should now be vastly improved. * Zip-tie slot on Servo-Holder is now 2.5 mm wide like the rest of the slots. Video showing 3D view of design: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=OzSCdng2TeY Big thanks to my co-conspirator "LitterBug" for his help and advice: https://www.thingiverse.com/LitterBug/about Here is my really bad Test-Flight video https://youtu.be/HFm1F4YyL4E had no one around to help me film so i mounted the camera on the wall.