Folgertech FT-6 SOLID Bowden (+dual) extruder mount REMIX

Folgertech FT-6 SOLID Bowden (+dual) extruder mount REMIX


This is a remix of the hot side only for Blinkingsun's amazing design. On the FT-6 if you have the dual bowden hot end the mounting holes are 24mm apart and not 18mm. This is all that was changed with this file, just pushed the mounting holes out by 3mm on each side for the two hot end mount. You will need to head over to his original page and print the other parts from him. Per Blinkingsun's post: "Print this part with 0.2mm layer height (including bottom layer) with 8 top and bottom layers and 4 layer thick walls at a 25% infill." Update1: Bed level sensor mount spread has been changed over to 9.3mm. You should now be able to mount the factory ABL sensor or any of the adapters to mount a BLtouch like this one by paxtonwolfgang



