Bee Feeder, 1 quart Ball Mason Jar size and larger with same neck

Bee Feeder, 1 quart Ball Mason Jar size and larger with same neck


The red one with the two different designs has been tested and works. I will post photos. The sunburst version has the same threads so I believe it will work. It has not been printed yet. This are my takes on bee feeders that work with 1 quart Ball Mason jars. They're based on measurements of the jar neck and threads. The threads on the jars appear to be 1/8 inch rounded profile on a quarter inch pitch. This will also work for larger jars with the same neck size. They are designed to fill and stop by having the reservoir surface higher than the bottom edge of the jar. The area where the sugar water exits under the lip does not need support. I designed it with triangle openings that are self supporting. The threads do need support but it should be easy to remove. I did not go with 45 degree surfaced threads as I wanted to fit closer to the jar's thread profile with clearance. In the samples I printed the jars thread in very easily after the support is removed. You can adjust how deep the jar is and shake the holders a bit to get the first flow to fill up the channels. After that, the bees drinking will draw down the level and allow it to refill when the vacuum is overcome.



