Jefferson Drip Cold Brew

Jefferson Drip Cold Brew


A cold-brew drip coffee maker that combines two things I enjoy, drinking coffee and emptying Jefferson's Reserve bottles. I don't think many of you will actually make one of these since two empty Jefferson Reserve Whiskey bottles are required. On the other hand, I highly recommend emptying two bottles, slowly, over time, with friends that can appreciate such a fine whiskey. Even if you don't make this thing, maybe you will get inspired to make one like it using some other bottle that is too nice to throw out. Once you have the two empty bottles, you will also need the following: * a 3/4 inch diameter wooden dowel, 3 feet long. * three o-rings, 14.5mm ID, 2.5mm cross-section * about 8 inches of food-safe 5mm ID tubing * a 1/8 NPT male/female needle valve like [this one]( Print the stand bottom, the top bottle holder, the funnel, the stopper, and the drip tip. Thoroughly wash all the parts, tubing, and valve. Place the three o-rings on the stopper and the tubing on the barb fitting, cut the tubing just long enough to reach the bottom of the bottle when the stopper is inserted. Screw the needle valve on the stopper and the drip tip on the other end of the valve. Cut the dowel in half into two 18 inch lengths. (I finished the dowels with a Pecan stain).Insert the dowels into the stand and bottle holder. To make coffee, put the funnel in a bottle and use a standard cone coffee filter in the funnel. Add 6-8 tablespoons of your favorite coffee. I prefer a dark expresso blend. Fill the other bottle with cold water leaving some air space, insert the stopper, close the valve and put it in the top holder centered over the other bottle with the funnel. People argue over the correct drip rate for the water but the main thing is set the valve for a slow drip. If it doesn't take at least 8 hours, it is dripping too fast. I hope you saved the cork for the bottle cause once the dripping is done, cork the bottle and put it in the frig to cool.



