Balaster Ebonrobe
Decided to kitbash this for anyone who wanted a mini similar to the Halaster Blackcloak miniature for the D&d adventure for Dungeon of the Mad Mage. The mini was made from several other STLs using Meshmixer. The STL will need to be scaled up a little to match the original (and mirrored too but Balaster just happens to be right handed). I may add some more revs down the line with a slimmer footprint on the spell or a standalone spell if there’s any interests or requests for further editing. Please be sure to give proper credit to the creators of the files I remixed this from. Apart from some Meshmixer magic, none of this was truly made by me. I just took the parts and smashed them together. I’d also love to hear how other people’s come out. I printed the ones in the photos on vastly inferior settings (.2mm height at 75mm/s) on an uncalibrared machine just to crank out some in person views of the model. If anyone tries this with the Lines support style on Cura I’d be curious as to how that panned out too.