EZABL Single fan Gen2 Ender 5 mod V2

EZABL Single fan Gen2 Ender 5 mod V2


This is to be fit with the Single fan Duct, for some reason the base was wider then the original EZABL mount so i extended it alittle to the left, its a ugly hack but works fine and keeps the EZABL Straight, it also Avoids the Belt lock and you will remove the support nuts on the EZABL and place the nut on the mount's top and thread it in that way as if you attempt tp pre thread it and set it down the belt may hit the nut. X Offset is roughly about -2 or 4 degree's i just placed it as -48 for myself and it seems to work fine, Y offset is still -12 as i didnt move it back or forward.



