Hex Key Handle - Long Axis Mount & Rotation
This design is for a tool to hold and use an M3/ 3mm Allen / hex-profile key. The tool end of the handle is interchangeable by use of core-shafts with the same sizing as the previously uploaded Hex Tool Handles - https://www.thingiverse.com/thing:3546066. If you already have the previously-printed handle from the above model, you may not intend using the handle of this particular thing if you want to save on printing / filament etc. The tricky issue with this particular key-holding method is that while the design process is relatively easy, it's the rotational positioning of the toolholder end of the print on the heatbed which may present problems! Due to the angles of 90Degrees either way, there will need to be supports somewhere along the line to avoid the overhangs being printed into thin air and thus fail the print. This design therefore also incorporates a method to reduce wastage where a failed print would be costly - by reducing the size of the actual toolholding section. (This also enables producing different iterations of the same design intent for anchoring a hex key along the same longer rotational axis, to the same handle.) So, whichever way one slices it...