Custom Air Filter Grate Connectors

Custom Air Filter Grate Connectors


I wanted a washable, customizable air filter but it needed to be 22" x 22" x 1". It is a difficult to find size. I found a washable filter that was 20" x 25" that would work if I modified it to fit. These connectors are my solution to join 2" of the excess 3" section of the grate to the 20" side of the filter. The connectors slide onto the part of the grate without a T-Junction. The remaining half is connected to the T-Junction part of the grate by pushing down on the grate with a stubby flat bladed screw driver. Start the screwdriver at the end and work toward the center. There is less chance the connector will crack when starting at the end. Print a few extra connectors. I cracked about 20% of mine. When done correctly, you will hear a small satisfying snap. A louder snap means the connector broke. These connectors are compatible with the WEB ECO Filter Plus available on Amazon. I received a substantial discount on a returned "like new" filter by buying from Amazon Warehouse. Filament nippers work well for trimming the grate to size. I recommend PETG filament. PETG filament is less likely to snap in half than PLA when assembling the pieces together. PETG flexes a bit more than PLA. Likes, comments and pictures of your make are appreciated. **-VegasGuy**



