PROTOTYPE of #FilamentCarousel for 20x20 Profiles and "side fed" Prinnters

PROTOTYPE of #FilamentCarousel for 20x20 Profiles and "side fed" Prinnters


This is an PROTOTYPE right now. Its testing lasted only some hours of printing in "Axels" workshop. It looks promising, but I am not jet sure about it. UPDATE: In the meantime it seams that the movement of the x axis is nesesery for proper unwinding. So instead of the guiding tube it needs some kind of gear that transfers movement to the Filament. Maybe an arm that is mounted on the x axis and pulls the filament from side to side. I do not have such an machine. So I cant develop such a device. May be you can? See it in [action]( This is an attempt to adapt the Idea of the #FilamenCarousel to printers witch are fed from the side. Quite some printers these days featuring the extruder on the x axis, witch is pulling the filament form the side. The already published versions are not suitable for side fed machines. To make the idea of the #FilamentCarousel broadly available it is essential to support these mashienes too. The #FilamentCarousel takes the Idea of the #MasterSpool (by Richard Horn from RichRap) one step further by dropping the spool entirely. An plain coil of Filament could be printed directly from the bag it was shipped in. No more spools are needed. The filament stays protected from dirt, dust and to some degree even from moisture. Also storing an unused coils easy. See also my [concept video]( on YouTube (English version is in preparation). For disguising the whole topic there is now the Group Filament Carousel on thingiverse. Every one who is interested in invited to join! Bill of materials 3 bearings 608 (most common ones) 3 countersink screws M5x20 and nuts 1 M3x12 with nut 4 nuts and bolts to mount it to the 20x20 profiles 2-4 binder clips 1m of 4mm PTFE hose Printing and Assembly is mostly identical to [Filament Carousel]( Hub and carrier are also to be taken from this thing. The tube guide locates one end of the PTFE tube directly beneath the #FilamentCarousel. This tube guiedes the filament to the extruder. Thank you for testing!



