Ceiling Fan Mounting Box Conversion Bracket

Ceiling Fan Mounting Box Conversion Bracket


I had a light fixture which wouldn't align with any standard electrical boxes, so I created this in Fusion 360 to make it work. First off, I screwed the pooch on the scaling and needed to increase the size by 105% when I was slicing it up. Not sure what happened in Fusion 360, but I'm sure I duid something stupid. The mounting screws for the fixture are exactly 3" apart from center, and those holes are modeled and printed with M4 X 0.7 threads (hence the resolution). The slots are simply pass-through for the same size machine screw to attach the bracket to the electrical box. Both the threaded holes and the slots are countersunk to ensure the machine screw heads don't interfere. If anyone ever uses this besides me, I'll be astonished. However, I've been using other people's designs on here like crazy, so I figure putting the one thing I designed so far up here is prudent. Let me know if you have any questions. Also, please no snarky nonsense about "Not following code", or "That's not for light fixtures", because I know. I have how so over-engineering this piece, I have no doubts it would prove far more durable than these-called "code" solutions I was looking at.







