Monitor Clip

Monitor Clip


***Please support me by using!*** If you want to support me, please download and(!) like [this design on prusaprinters]( If there are enough downloads&likes, i might get a spool of great prusa filament for free :-). There will also be the latest version from now on (as Thingiverse downloads are a bit broken at the moment) ***Information about this model:*** You never know where to put your to-do lists? Sticky notes are not useful? Use this monitor clip: Stick it with a Tesa Powerstrip on your monitor and use it to have your papers / drawings always in your view. You can customize it to fit to your monitor depth and to show your own text on top. (Press "Open in Customizer" above or install [OpenSCAD]( on your own computer). Included are the clips with the words "Todo", "Work", "Long", "Small", "Fit" In case this Thingiverse websites "customizer" does not work, please install and use OpenSCAD on your own PC. [Instructions with screenshots how to set OpenSCAD up]( [Instructions how to generate the STL file with OpenSCAD customizer]( You can customize: - The text - ***New:*** Instead of text, you can select an icon! It will not be turned 90 degree as the text. - The font size - Wether to mirror the text - The glue area length - The monitor thickness ***Bugfix:*** Customizer font and icons were not working. Now OK! ***If you could take a picture of an actual print, please publish it via the "post a make" button. - I am curious to see your uses in the wild.*** If you like it, also check out my configurable text based creations, [multi-line label](, [sweeping nameplate](, [Nameplate](, [floor stand](, [gadget display stand](, [bunting banner](, [customizable text box III](, [pyramid text](, [3D text](, [Customizable text box with lid]( and [round text]( Have also a look at my [configurable pack of dogs](, [rabbits](, [reindeers]( and [santas]( There are also useful [coat hangers]( and [finger toys]( Or see the [customizable filament swatches]( to have an overview over your material. Just have a look at all my [customizable creations]( This uses the [Bezier library for OpenScad]( from [gaellafond]( Thanks! Have fun!






