Space Force One!

Space Force One!


<h1>Space Force One</h1> Similar in concept to the [Mercury Capsule Bank]( only this one you can put a rocket motor in and actually fly! UPDATE: - Added a small payload cap that allows you to easily add weight and attach a parachute to the capsule. You can either glue it in or place screws at the points where the cap meets the capsule. <img src=""> - The body is now in 2 parts with a nozzle section you can print in a different color - The nozzle section has two sets of holes so you can use a paperclip to hold in the rocket motor - Capsule has been cleaned up for this resolution of print and now sports a "Mercury Joe" style window. - Tower is a single piece that can be easily glued to the top of the capsule - Use scrap filament to make the tower's spike In honor of May the 5th! <i>The day the United States sent Alan Shepard on his first journey into space aboard Freedom 7!</i> Here is a world re-imagined where the US Space Force was born versus NASA. Space Force One sent our first astronauts aloft! A Freedom 7 like Mercury Capsule sits atop an upgraded V2 booster. [Fusion 360 Model]( <b>Notes</b> - Feel free to modify the Fusion 360 file. Check back often - You will need some BT50 and BT60 tubing to act as a liner (and a minor insulator)






