Tesla Model 3 Grocery bag hook
This is a Grocery bag hook intended to thread onto the M5 screw sticking out of the ceiling of the Tesla Model 3 trunk. Yes there exist other designs for this, but they did not include source code, and I did not like the fact that they relied entirely on the screw to keep them from breaking. I added an extension that goes around the existing nut and washer and pushes directly against the sheet metal. This will reduce the torque loading on the screw and limits the forces to a direct pull out of the threads. This project requires an M6 tap to cut the threads. You might get away with letting the screw self thread into the part, or that might split the part depending on how brittle your plastic is. You could also make a tap for plastic with an M6 screw and a Dremmel cutoff wheel. If the plastic proves too week to hold the threads, I'll re-design this to use a brass threaded insert. This project was not helped by an automatic update to cura-Lulsbot that broke it on Mint. and the fact that Slic3r now core dumps on Mint. My final work around was to get OctoPI working to update the firmware on my printer, and the Ultimaker AppImage version of Cura running on Mint, and hacking the startup code to cover the parts of the startup code not supported by the Ultimarker version. Update: Added Rev B of the design. and corrected tap size. I change the design because I found the grocery bag straps were catching on the sharp corners, and there was not enough of a gap between the top of the hooks and the top of the trunk to easily get the straps on and off the hooks. Update: Added Rev C of the design. A friend managed to break their copy, so I have made a minor modification (internally) that I think will improve the strength a bit. Update: Added Rev D. Well, my original design finally broke. I decided to update the design to eliminate the sharp corner at the base of the central post. While I was at it, I eliminated the requirement for the spiral_extrude() library in rev D that was required in earlier versions. https://www.thingiverse.com/thing:1958354