Whirlpool dishwasher overflow float switch lever
Replacement for a broken/missing float switch lever for at least one model of Whirlpool dishwasher :) Part number might be WP8268892, WP8268892H, and/or AP6012275. Without this the cycle will run... but without any water, since it thinks that the overflow float has raised. The overflow float is a mushroom-looking piece of plastic on the floor of the dishwasher that raises up if the water in the dishwasher fails to drain, cutting the flow of water and hopefully preventing a flood. Recommend 100% infill just for the circle on the end, to weight the lever under the switch and ensure that end will fall if the float's pressure is removed. Probably not necessary due to spring pressure from the switch, but can't be too careful here. After installation, test raising and lowering the float and listen for the switch to click each time. (To alter infill for one section of a model in Cura, draw a Support Blocker cube over it, click the cube, click the Per Model Settings tool, change its drop-down to "modify...infill...", click the Select Settings button and pick Infill Density, then change that value to 100 in the textbox that appears.) Disclaimer: This is a rough approximation on the original piece made from photos online and trial-and-error (the part was missing entirely from my unit). Not responsible if this fails and the dishwasher floods your house, use at your own risk, etc.