No Tangle Tieout Cover

No Tangle Tieout Cover


This is intended to fit over a tieout stake to prevent the tieout cable from wrapping around the stake and getting knotted up. If it gets wrapped around the cone, as tension is placed on the cable, it should slide up and over. This should fit over most tieout stakes. The height is 4 3/8", the top inside diameter is 1 3/4", and the bottom inside diameter is 6 1/2". My original prototype did not include the four stake holes and I had to drill those after printing. The design now includes those holes with some reinforcement. However, my prototype is holding up well so I have had no need to print the updated design. <h2>Installation</h2> Feed tieout cable(s) through the top of the code at attach to the tieout stake. Fit the cone over the tieout stake until it rests on the ground. Note the location of the four smaller holes. Next insert four L-shaped tent stakes into the smaller holes. I used the stakes from an old Coleman tent. Make sure the stakes go into the ground near their desired locations. Press each stake down evenly until the bottom of the cone is flush with the ground. It might be a little tricky if the ground is sandy or rocky.






