Z axis Alignment Tool  Bed height Level or Calibration 100mm long

Z axis Alignment Tool Bed height Level or Calibration 100mm long


Z axis Bed height Level or Calibration Tool 100mm long. Height calibration tool will be invaluable to fine tune the height of bed. Especially for those who suffer from a falling Z axis Bed. This fits 2020 extrusions. Sometimes it's the simple and basic tools that you'll find the most useful in your arsenal of 3D printer tool box. Just place one on both sides (see pics above) and adjust the bed up or down by turning the lead screw to touch the bottom of the tool and you’re done. This should get you in the ball park of have both sides very close to equal. Keep in mind, the higher quality (.1 -.15) of the print the closer the tolerances are as is most printed parts. You can also file them down a bit to get it as accurate as possible. {{{WARNING REMOVE BEFORE HOMING. MOVING or PRINTING}}} I guess I had to say this...LOL and I'm only responsible for myself. Set your height, remove then push home or push home then move very quickly if your like me (fast) also keep that in mind and use at your own risk.







3D Printing