Yardstick C270 Mount

Yardstick C270 Mount


I use a server rack cabinet as an enclosure and a cobra-hood style cooling duct that limit the angles I can use to monitor my printer by webcam. The nozzle can only be clearly seen from the front, but the enclosure does not have enough room to mount a camera on the inside without taking up valuable bed space. The glass door lets the camera view the printer from the front, but I got tired of moving the camera every time I opened the door. My solution was to mount my camera on a rail made out of a cut-down yardstick. The yardstick is held onto the cabinet door by magnets that I glued on. You could also apply velcro or command strips, or skip printing the ruler mounts and glue that stuff directly to the yardstick, but I like the extra space the mount puts between the camera and the glass. It gives the camera more room to swivel. This rig lets me easily slide the camera to where ever I need; right, left, up or down. To use this camera mount you will need to have Notune21's camera front and focusing dial, so that the camera can be screwed onto the mount. The mounts were designed for a yardstick that was 30mm wide and 4mm thick.



