
This is what I call an Octagonal Cube with a Sphere inside. This has very many cool features and can be printed for anything. There are triangles in the middle that hold the sphere up and let it spin around. Because of its shapes it can be set down on its flat cube shape or it can be sat down titled with the inwards triangle. Multiple can be placed on top of each other in any of these positions.The fidget/toy/fun thing about this is that its not attached. The cube spins around on the inside. You can hold the cube and spin the sphere inside or hold the sphere and spin the outside parts. I've printed many of these and if you have a dual extruder you can print the sphere a different color to really bring it out. Since the sphere is higher up I added a cylinder on the bottom so you don't have to worry about supports. Just rotate it with whatever software so its below the cube. Only rafts are necessary for this print. If you want to customize this be my guest. I hold nothing as my own and just create cool things in the hopes it inspires you or someone else to create something even better. Any questions or customization with these you want just send me an email at Driftedtadpole1@gmail.com and ill try and help you






