XYZ Davinci Pro 1.0 part cooler fan mount

XYZ Davinci Pro 1.0 part cooler fan mount


I have converted my XYZ Davinchi Pro 1 from bowden to a direct drive using the original carriage, but new controller board. I'm using a BMG extruder with e3dv6 hotend. As I was unable to find any part cooler fan-mount I have designed my own – no modifications, drilling etc is necessary, but it can be difficult to assemble. So be warned. To maker it easier you can drill the hole on cariage a bit larger and on the Titan extruder to allow room the bolt. 2020-04-13: Part-cooler changed so it can be fastened with two screws for improved stability. 2020-04-09: I have now changed to a BMG extruder - this makes it easier to fit the part-cooler. Still no need to drill any holes. Added pictures of the configuration. 2019-07-08: Updated the fan-duct design again. 2019-05-14: Added a new improved fan-duct-2.stl. It is a bit smaller to make a more tighter fit and some round corners for improved printing. Note: The back.stl is bolted to the titan extruder, which is the reason for a very long screw. BOM: A fan 50mm 3x4mm screw and bolt 2 3x3mm screws and bolt for the fan Fusion360 link - fan mount: Fusion 360 - Fan duct:







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