Bubble Magus NAC e5 Anti Splash \ Bubble Trap ( RSM 130D )

Bubble Magus NAC e5 Anti Splash \ Bubble Trap ( RSM 130D )


Everyone that have an hang on back skimmer have this issue, everything is working great but when electric crash happened, the skimmer is overflowing when the power comes back on, i found myself cleaning my house full of saltwater for a couple of times, so.... my solution for this? run the skimmer very wet, flow is on the maximum all time, the skimming is fine and when electric crash happens the out flow is capable enough so the water level is not getting too high BUTTTTTTT!!! if the valve is opened all the way big bubbles splashing all over the back sump making salt creep everywhere in the aquarium and out as well. so i applied the sponge that the company (bubble magus) provided with the skimmer but this thing is clogging all the time and you should added it to your maintains. that's why i came with this solution. it's basically a bubble trap and air outlet that replace the sponge and it's working like a charm it's designed for Bubble Magus NAC E5 output but basically work on any 39mm output diameter as well Aquarium in this case if Red Sea Max 130 D Enjoy UPDATE: The original short version is working great but for longer skimmer outputs i placed a longer version as well





