BL Switch Touch - Z Axis Probe
My BL Touch Clone died. In order to keep on printing I had to install the original micro switch endstop. The issue is I have a lot of mods on my printer so putting the original endstop was not easy. I had to trim this and squeeze in that. So after many hours of putting on the original micro switch endstop I though there has got to be something better (or at least until my replacement BL Touch Clone get delivered). So I came up with this basic Z probe. It is about the same form factor as the original so you don't have to worry about changing the mounting system. The parts are one micro switch ( with the metal lever removed), the printed parts, a little bit of filament used for pins, and a small nail. I painstakingly drew out the assembly. You can see it is very basic but does a pretty good job for accuracy and repeat-ability. I suppose a more industrious type could rig up a servo to this so it would swing out of the way automatically. This might be something you can use if you are deciding whether or not you want to buy the real thing and/or experiment with auto bed leveling. Be sure to update your firmware to use this probe. In Marlin all I did was select the "servo probe". This is the same thing minus the servo. Leave a comment if you have a question. Videos of it in action. Turn off the sound. I have a cheap skateboard bearing for a Z rod guide and it is really squeaky.