Helmet Light Mount for Norotos Rhino

Helmet Light Mount for Norotos Rhino


This is an adapter that goes into the Norotos Rhino mount for ballistic helmets. It has three slots in the picatinny rail for mounting anything you want. I made it so I can mount a light on my helmet securely since I have earpro mounted on the arc rails. But as you can see from the last pictures you can mount anything you want on there. To mount it, I just used parts from a J-Arm I had laying around as seen in the fifth picture. I made and printed the lever and it seems to work fine for the most part, you still might need to drill out the pin hole as I detail in the misc notes. I uploaded the stl and the fusion 360 part file (i think) for both parts, that way you can customize to your needs.






