Customizable Measuring/Coffee Scoop
Remix of [Werner Stein's]( excellent [Customizable Measuring Cup/Scoop]( Please go there unless you need a custom scoop not included with his project. That project currently has a Customizer bug. I've notified wstein, the original author, of my efforts. My remix is attempting to repair the Customizer function: --Renamed "wall\_thickness\_" (with trailing underscore) to "wall\_thickness" and renamed "wall\_thickness" to "wall\_thickness\_adjusted". (so \_thickness\_ doesn't come out in _italics_) (That is, Thingiverse interprets enclosing _ characters as markup for italics when Markdown is enabled. IDK if this caused trouble with Customizer or not, but it did cause the Customizer report to display the variable name improperly.) Also fixed use of deprecate assign() calls. I think the console warnings from this may have been generating the script error notification in Customizer. I really wish makerbot would provide a dump of the console text so we could troubleshoot customizer errors more readily! Oops. I just found another bug and fixed it. In Customizer, if one entered one of the custom text labels as just a number, then Customizer would dynamically change the data type of the variable from text to number. And then the text would fail to be printed on the handle. I did a quick fix by wrapping the label1_text and label2_text in a call to str() as follows: labels=[ [0,str(label1_text),label1_font,label1_height,label_thickness], [1,str(label2_text),label2_font,label2_height,label_thickness], ]; Times like this, I prefer static typing. Please comment here if you have tips on troubleshooting Customizer! For now, I'm going to leave this up as a Remix of his project. If the original project incorporates fixes so Customizer works, I'll pull the remix down. This is his baby, not mine. For now, I just wanted to put up the code that works with Customizer. The only model I'm including here is my custom coffee scoop version. I use 25g of dark roast coffee per 8 oz cup. Finely ground coffee density is about 400 kg/m^3, so about 62.5 ml of finely ground beans. My personal favorite cup of coffee is 25 g dark roasted coffee, + 25 g raw cane sugar + 50 g heavy whipping cream. I pour the almost boiling water over it, through a cone filter, over a period of about 3 minutes. Made with lots of love, my wife says it's the best cup of coffee ever!