PiX Arcade Control Pad

PiX Arcade Control Pad


This is an arcade joystick I designed. I based it on the Neo Geo AES joystick. Materials required and where to get them: 4 - 8 1/4" pins, auto parts store or online 6 M3 socket head screws, hardware store or online 2 24mm arcade buttons, online 7 30mm arcade buttons, online 1 USB encoder, online 1 Arcade joystick compatible with SANWA mounting plates, online Double sided tape, hardware store or online Raspberry Pi version: USB Splitter, online 15 ft micro USB cable, online 15 ft HDMI cable, online <=1 ft HDMI cable, online HDMI female to female connector, online Raspberry Pi, online (Preferably 2 or 3, as some games that actually work well with the controller slow down even the Raspberry Pi 3 Model B (Not B+)) Daisychain version: USB Splitter: online USB Extender (About 2 m for original cord length), online You can find skins for the control pad at http://pixarchive.freeforums.net







Video Games