Frag Photo Stand

Frag Photo Stand


Update - The magnets used in this designed (and linked below) do rust after months in the aquarium. I highly advise users to only use for short periods at a time. I purchased some newer magnets (capable of holding more weight too) and testing them. Once I know they are reef safe I will update designs and link said magnets. --------------------- 3D Printed "Photobooth" for Frag Plugs. This moves a frag plug closer to the glass so that you can get a better photo of the coral. The "stand" is angled towards the glass at a 15 degree angle to present the corals to the camera better. There's multiple versions of the file that are available, so pick what you want. -SingleFragPhotoStand15mm - This one has a short "background" for things like smaller Zoa's. -SingleFragPhotoStand30mm - This is medium "background" (in the pictures) (My preferred height for zoas still) -SingleFragPhotoStand80mm - This has the tallest background to assist with taller corals like SPS. If the "light" doesn't reach the coral you can just move it down the glass more so that it can reach the coral better. Magnets (good for 75g at least): I also used this macro lense kit for the close up shots:






