Modifications for China CNC 1610

Modifications for China CNC 1610


Here are some modifications I did for my 1610 China CNC The power chain I use is this one (thanks to GeraldO): I scaled it down to 90%, 75% 75% that the width fits to the aluminum profile (~20 mm). The part with the reduced size is attached as well (chainLink.stl) The "ends" are modified chain elements: 1) ChainEndFrameSide.stl (use M3, 8mm, T-nut M3 to mount) 2) ChainEndSlider.stl, which requires CNC_EndStopZ_W_PowerChain.stl and 2 counter sunk head screws M3, 16mm and 2 nuts M3 The end-stop holders are completly my design. I use the following switches: and screws and nuts M2, 16 mm. X and Y end-stops can be turned around one of the screws to change the distance a bit. The Y end-stops are mounted with tin flat head screws 5.5 mm to the top of the aluminum profiles left and right The X end-stops are mounted using a M5 12 mm screw and T nut each As I didn't want to drill any holes into the spindle holder (and was to lazy to tear it down), I created a kind of slide on holder for the Z end-stop. Slide it over the distance holders of stepper motor, push it down until the "noise" enters the hole of the shaft and use one or two of CNC_EndStopZ_FixTube.stl to keep it down. Maybe the length of CNC_EndStopZ_FixTube.stl needs to be adapted to your CNC machine. ChainEndSlider.stl needs to be printed upside down to increase stability of the power chain element.





