1.5" PVC Pipe Desk/Floor Mount

1.5" PVC Pipe Desk/Floor Mount


This 1.5" PVC pipe mounting bracket is part of a desk-mounted rig for mounting lights, cameras, tools, etc. We're using some wire shelves mounted vertically as a sort-of peg-board system to mount things horizontally and vertically, e.g., *Horizontal* * Cameras * Light bars * Cable hangers *Vertical* * Hooks * Containers * Anything to can glue, bolt, or hang This lets us swap out toolsets for whatever we happen to be working on relatively quickly, for a relatively low cost. This prototype was built to vet the idea. It uses 1.5" PVC pipe (OD ~1.9") and 4' wire shelves. It's fairly stable--but the desk it's mounted to is not. For anything but camera work it's surprisingly solid, although I wouldn't go putting books on it. The bolts are 1/4", but as you can see, we neglected clearance for the washers. Oops. The test clip's bottom snap-fit is too tight, but stronger than we thought it would be. We CAed it on to the back of a Staples pencil holder, kicked it, and it held a box of 1/4" nuts without breaking the clip (it's pretty thin), so hooray. *Printing note:* We upped the number of shells to 4, and might go even higher. The prototype needs a quick pass with a 1/4" bit for bolt clearance; we'll change that so it isn't necessary. We printed two on the MakerBot Method and two on an M3-ID; the Method was closer, but still needed a quick pass to open it up a bit. Our bad. The shelves are zip-tied on, which was speedy, and stronger than we thought--we might not bother bolting through the PVC with large washers. We will, however, create mounts that have a better "resting spot" for the shelving; right now they're just teetering on the chamfer. Our paint/airbrush station will get a version with one or two shelves on the side, and shelves on the back with a gap for the extraction system. Should be able to hang paints, brushes, airbrushes, and works-in-progress on these bad boys with no problem.






