Mina Violin Electronics Adapter
Wanted to use a $12 "CV-210E" piezo pickup with active preamp I found on eBay (like [this one on AliExpress](https://www.aliexpress.com/item/Electric-Violin-Pickup-Adjustable-Pickup-Piezo-Pickups-EQ-Parts-Accessories-20-12/32849083156.html?spm=a2g0o.productlist.0.0.6f8bfedbPjvFsI&algo_pvid=5f85d09c-6241-4f57-8ea7-90dcf375ce82&algo_expid=5f85d09c-6241-4f57-8ea7-90dcf375ce82-0&btsid=95760b89-7b24-48c4-bc72-72fead0080b5&ws_ab_test=searchweb0_0,searchweb201602_7,searchweb201603_52)) with the Mina violin, so I designed an adapter. Note that you'll have to take the faceplate off the preamp and the battery terminals out of the battery cover to use this. You'll also have to swap out the screws holding the mid-body pieces on for ones 2mm longer. The ones you're using now are probably too short to accommodate both the jacks enclosure and the mid-body "wings." The walls are a little too thick for the headphone jack to leave any room for its mounting nut, but there was just enough room behind it in the jack enclosure for two 3D printed M8 nuts to slip in and keep it pressed up against its opening. You could use glue instead, if you like, or figure out a fix. The OpenSCAD files are included. (At present the code is very messy, though! Sorry.) There's no place to wire in a power switch yet, but I've left an opening for recharging a [TalentCell 9V battery](https://www.amazon.com/TalentCell-Lithium-Capacity-Rechargeable-Charging/dp/B07HNKK161/ref=sr_1_4?crid=38K331BJ2V4MF&keywords=micro+usb+9v+battery&qid=1557971648&s=gateway&sprefix=microusb+9v+b%2Caps%2C212&sr=8-4). In theory, one could power the violin while recharging the battery over micro USB. Be warned that the mounting screw holes on the preamp may not be symmetrical. I noticed that on mine they didn't line up with the holes in the print in one orientation but did in the other. YMMV. In theory, screwing it in place shouldn't even be necessary since the preamp will be pressed against the body of the violin. Until I figure out how to place a power switch (or give up on the idea) this will be marked as a "Work in Progress," but everything should fit as-is.