DLP Manual Infill Tutorial
This is the link to the tutorial video, as you can't upload this large of a video to thingiverse. https://www.dropbox.com/s/40tcxavww5kioz1/Autodesk%20Meshmixer%20-%20Mini_Yoda.stl%205_10_2019%208_03_38%20PM.mp4?dl=0 This is a video tutorial of how to incorporate a perfect infill for any DLP/SLA resin print. The goal was to reduce amount of material used in a given print while still maintaining strength, without having to add extra supports due to the type of printer. With this, it uses Meshmixer to build a lattice cube that is rotated 45 degrees in two global directions to make the infill without need for supports. If anyone can find a way to import our own patterns into meshmixer, please feel free to message me so I can add that to this video as well! Enjoy!