Skullcandy Crusher Wireless replacement parts

Skullcandy Crusher Wireless replacement parts


-------- I have the headphones. They broke. I got annoyed how bad they are designed (or how well for planned obsolescence) so I'm not giving up on fixing them ------- All parts have some kinks but it is by all means usable. ------- All parts are symmetrical, no need to distinguish left and right side on the headphones ------- Models are also available on Shapeways if you want to order it in SLS or metal print. It was successfully printed in SLS numerous times. I generally recommend it since nylon SLS is the pinnacle of rapid prototyping usable parts. Some people ordered parts in metal but I couldn't get them to give me any feedback. Lack of complaints could mean that it works like a charm ;) ####Please post makes and give me feedback info so I can work on the kinks



