NIOP Helix Cuff
This cuff is part of the NIOP prosthetic modular arm catalog, and is used to fit transhumeral (above-elbow) amputees and people with limb difference. The (4) screw holes around the base of the perimeter align with the screw pattern on the Top Plate part from the NIOP Shelbow module It is very effective, so it holds on without much constricting pressure, and the vertical supports allow the blood to still circulate. It also is well ventilated compared to fitted sockets. The socket is removable so it's easy to clean, and can be thermoformed again to adjust the fit as their stump shrinks. The helix shape of the lacing constricts and compacts the arm in two directions, to grip it very securely, without slipping. If desired for extra grip, Dysem non-slip material can be added inside the cuff to eliminate the device from slipping, even when wet or sweaty. The Helix Cuff is adjustable, so it can be worn shortly after surgery (2-3 weeks), once the incision has healed. This gives post-op amputees an option for a prosthetic while their stump shrinks to be fitted for a professional socket. The cuff tension can also be adjusted with the screw tensioner on the side. Once the tension is set, the latch not only allows the wearer to take the device on and off easily, but it can also be operated with a device hand or hook, for bilateral recipients. ***It is strongly recommended that you see a professional prosthetist for guidance before using this device. You can do permanent damage to the wearer with improperly fitted devices, so get a professional to advise you. If you can not afford to see a doctor or live where they are unavailable, visit to find a volunteer prosthetist to help.*** OpenSCAD file for sizing the device coming soon! Temporary Sizing Method - The 100% cuff size is based on a circumference of 251mm, around the upper arm, just above the elbow. To figure your print scale, divide your arm circumference (in mm) by 251. The resulting number is your scale factor to use in your slicer. These stl's are made for a Left arm device. The Cuff and Switch parts should be mirrored for Right arm devices. Assembly Instructions Links for Materials