BLV mgn12 AM8 bracket/brace + jig
<b>Update (5/23/2019):</b> Henlo frens, I have installed this on my printer. It is very tedious but it works. Make sure you use button head screws with an allen key. My next design will elongate the overall profile, which should make it a bit easier to reach some of the screws. Stay tuned 8) <b>Update:</b> Added v2. Increased accessibility and cleaned up some holes. This will still be a tedious install. This is a corner bracket for the BLV mg12 mod. I made this to fit to the inside corners of my AM8, as the y axis endstop mount I wanted to use had nowhere to mount. This is exactly 39mm wide, so it doubles as a jig as well as a bracket. <s>Not tested yet.</s> Have fun! I have them installed in the back, and they work perfectly. I'm actually wanting to install them in the front corners as well, because I like the idea of coupling 3 extrusions together in a perfect 90 degrees rather than just two together at a time.