3030 Cable Cover
Cable cover for 3030 alminum profiles, readily printed in PLA and scalable. The models I have found so far either are very stiff and therefore can not be properly placed into a profile, unless they are printed with flexible filament, or have a fixed length. This model is flexible even if printed in PLA. It has a predefined length of 100 mm but can be scaled to any arbitrary length, as it is uniform on its entire length. If you need a cover of a given length l, you have to scale it in the z-direction. As the new length is now 100 mm, the percantege of the scale factor is equal to the desired length in mm. **05/25th/19:** I uploaded a revised version with larger fillets, because the previous model had a tendency to break between the legs and the front face. **05/31st/19:** Yet another update. Oriented it in a way, such that it does not need to be rotated within the slicer and set the length to 100 mm, so the precentage of the scaling is equal to the desired length.