Universal Ring Pull-Tab Can Opener
This opener fits all types of food can ring pull-tabs. It will accommodate pull-tabs up to 28mm wide and will fully engulf a 31mm long pull-tab. Being able to fully engulf the pull-tab ensures the can seal will be opened instead of just bending the pull-tab. A bent pull-tab happens when the can seal is hard to break and the opener's pull-tab pocket is not deep enough. These ring type pull tabs are commonly found on many food cans including soups & chili, sardines, oysters, pet foods, mushrooms, nuts, etc. This opener makes a great gift for people with limited ability to open these types of cans. My wife likes this opener because it protects her fingernail polish. It will also work on most cans with pop tops like soda and beer cans. I have included a slot that holds up to two 1mm x 10mm round magnets. You may want to try one magnet first to see how well it sticks to your fridge. Images 5 & 7 of the can opener shows how the magnets are inserted. They are held in place by friction. Get the magnet started by pushing it into the slot by hand. Then push the opener down on a flat surface until the magnet is flush. A flat bladed screw driver works for well for fully seating the magnets into the slot. Note: Be sure to observe magnetic polarity when inserting two magnets. The magnets should attract when held edge-to-edge. The black Sharpie marks on the magnets in the last image is how I keep track of the correct orientation when inserting them. The openers in the images are from previous test versions. Version 9 STL has a larger 6mm hole to hang the opener on a hook. You may want to check out my [Pop Top Can Opener - Final](https://www.thingiverse.com/thing:3027499) that was the original inspiration for this larger opener. It was designed strictly for pop top cans. It works especially well for the new smaller soda cans with pop tops. **-VegasGuy**