Enerjet 1340 Fin Can #1

Enerjet 1340 Fin Can #1


This is a replacement fin can for the following model rockets: Enerjet 1340 Sounding Rocket https://plans.rocketshoppe.com/enerjet/enj1340/enj1340.htm Enerjet 1340/20 Sounding Rocket https://plans.rocketshoppe.com/enerjet/enj1340-20/enj1340-20.htm Estes Phoenix Bird http://modelrocketbuilding.blogspot.com/2012/05/estes-phoenix-bird-finished.html Centuri Argus http://www.ninfinger.org/rockets/nostalgia/73cen70g.html Centuri M.A.R.S. Project https://www.rocketryforum.com/threads/phoenix-bird-rocksim-anyone.42006/ Estes Discovery (starter set) kit# 1440 http://www.ninfinger.org/rockets/catalogs/estes87/87est10.html Estes Longshot https://www.rocketreviews.com/long-shot---estes-2128-1997-1998.html Estes Maniac https://www.rocketreviews.com/maniac---estes-2091-1994-1998.html Estes Challenger II http://www.ninfinger.org/rockets/catalogs/estes84/84est54.html Estes Eliminator https://www.rocketreviews.com/eliminator---estes-1950-2002-.html Estes Eliminator XL https://www.rocketreviews.com/estes---eliminator-xl.html The dimensions were taken right from fin can and put into the CAD program I used to design it. The tubing designed to use it is Centuri ST-13 and the Estes BT-56. You can always scale it up or down to fit. If you want to scale it up for the Estes BT-60 tubing use the upscale factor of 121% in your slicer. Will it reach and pass through transonic speeds and even into supersonic speeds remains to be seen. The massed produced one that came with various kits was not able to do so. Two versions: 1) Stock design with the launch lug, 2) Without the launch lug. Enerjet 1340 Fin Can #2 (supersonic, FOUR FIN) https://www.thingiverse.com/thing:3829871 Enerjet 1340 Fin Can #3 (supersonic, THREE FIN) https://www.thingiverse.com/thing:3831483 Enerjet 1340 Fin Can #4 (original, THREE FIN) https://www.thingiverse.com/thing:3834846 Enerjet 1340 Fin Can #5 (original, FIVE FIN) https://www.thingiverse.com/thing:3837575 Enerjet 1340 Fin Can #6 (original, SIX FIN) https://www.thingiverse.com/thing:3837581






