Large 185mm Ender-5, Pro, Plus Stabilizer  Bracket for 2020 Style Extrusions

Large 185mm Ender-5, Pro, Plus Stabilizer Bracket for 2020 Style Extrusions


1/16/2020 - Minor update, added new STL with holes to make accessing mounting bolts easier with Allen keys. Main design is unchanged. Both files are now available. ---------------- After trying out a few brackets and being disappointed I decided to make my own with Fusion 360. Mostly to help stabilize the Y-Axis on the Ender 5 but it might work on other printers and applications that use 2020 style extrusions as well, such as the Ender 5 Plus and Ender 5 Pro. What I wanted was a bracket that was strong like a truss, designed to print easily with no supports, and had proper hole setup so it could be anchored with hammer-head (V-track) nuts using M5-12mm bolts. Lastly, one that would not interfere with existing corner brackets you may already have in place. Up to two brackets can be used on each side of the left and right sides of an Ender 5 if you want, roughly 185mm each. Each bracket requires (4) M5-12mm Bolts and (4) M5 Hammerhead nuts. About 70 grams of PLA needed to print each bracket. BONUS: If you use it on the right hand side of an Ender-5, it may help with some of the wire routing issues by giving more places to tie-wrap to.



