RC Car Prototype with 4 brushless motors - The Beast
Rc Car Prototype mounting a brushless drone motor (QX2812 980kv) on each tyre (so 4 motors). I connected them to a Frsky D8RII Plus in PWM (one motor on a single channel) giving the same throttle input from the radio by the Pitch Stick, in order to have the reverse and the gas on the same side. Each motor is connected to a Racerstar RS30A with firmware BLHeli where i enabled the Bidirectional type for the esc behavior, the brake on stop and the damped light, the latter to have the brake function. Servo used has 25kg of force at 6V (5V used) and it's very precise. Electrical part is composed by a PDB for sharing energy from the battery (2200 mah 3s Lipo) to esc, 5v BEC and VTX. Two type of bearings used : 693ZZ (3mm*8mm*4mm) for bracket mounted on the chassis and 694ZZ (4mmx11mmx4mm) for knucle and servo arm. Tyres mounted are for 9116 RC CAR. I assemblied it and it's very funny but a precise calibration of all motor is very important. Would certainly be better if traction control software was implemented for each wheel but ... one thing at a time !!! :) Uploaded files allow you to print it in PETG without problems. Happy Race!!! Specification : 4 x QX2812 980kv Brushless Motors 4 x RS30A Racerstar ESC Power Distribution Board Frsky D8RII Plus 2200 mah 3s Lipo Servo DS3225 9116 RC Car Tyres 5v UBEC 5A 3d Printed PETG Chassis 693ZZ (3mm*8mm*4mm) Bearings 694ZZ (4mmx11mmx4mm) Bearings E709TM3 VTX Eachine 1000TVL Camera (5V Camera) Youtube FPV Video : https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=LE0jHeuU29I