This is the cabin of the MAN KAT1, draw from scratch, based on 4 drawings i found on internet. fits on the frame v4 of Mr CranckyFace (see - The roofpin need to be made 3 times. - The prarewheelpin need to be printed 2 times. - Bottom 1 is on the front side, than 2 etc. following the lines of the outer parts. i used "fittingblock 1, 3 and 5" in order to have the correct hight from the bottom of the front door , the middle part of the wheel case and the bottom of the last part of a side. (See picture). The square blocks are the fitting blocks) note for printing : - Roof plates, 26.195 deg - Front bottom plate + light protection and attchementeyes : 50 deg - Seats:, chopped the base off scaled 1.5 in all directions (added the modified file) - SeatBase, used chopped seat-base. Print at x82deg (added the modified file) - Printed with seat-base at 81deg With support - Because I already had the v4 frame of Mr CranckyFace ( (part A en B) I had to fit the cabin on the frame. Therefore i made some blocks underneath the bottom parts (part of bottom1 and bottom 5). In my case it fitted tight, without the need of fixing it with glue, or a screw. - Only addition made to the frame are two blocks in order to lower the gear to let it run smoother (i think my springs are to high, but they fitted well under the V3 truck of Mr CranckyFace)). - I made a welding wire in order to weld parts together things to do : - wind guiding thing around the front corners - ring around roofhole - proper rc design - proper bumper design (is now apron a few mill's to small) upd. 27-06-2019 added fittingblocks stills, and (to small designed) bumper, and an extra foto of how to fit the fitting blocks to get the bottom correctly in the outer plates. sorry I haven't made pictures of the building. first tape front, one of the side panels and bottom plate 1 together, weld the front and the side panel (front panel is attached to the back of the side panel), than do the same for the other side panel. take of the bottom plate, and tape bottom 1, 2,3 4 and 5 together. and fit them in to the square frame. use the filing blocks in order to get it in the right position from the downside of the side panel. than the midpanel's , the mid-console, and the front lower bumper. (you better first attach the light security frame and the attachment hook/eyes). final you van build in the steer steer console, and seats.. than jou can make the roof. I made a carton copy of the mid-plate in order to get the correct corners. I also attached two peaces of wire in the inside to the roof in order to prevent it from moving. than the back panel, than bottom 1 and 5 upd. 6-nov-2019. : added the roof security ring.