Cursed Banana - Pop Art / Andy Warhol inspired keychain object

Cursed Banana - Pop Art / Andy Warhol inspired keychain object


This is a fairly impractical keychain based on an Andy Warhol banana drawing. It's color separated into layers so that you can print with a single extruder head changing the filaments. I recommend that you finish with XTC-3D for shine and evenness. The layer order is: light pink, dark pink, yellow, black. Change filament at 21%, 26%, and 50% (Cura on TAZ 6). I printed this at 7cm (smaller than recommended) and I recommend that if you scale down that far you scale the Z down a bit just so you won't end up with a tiny fat banana - it's hard to get a jump ring the right size for that. I used Polyalchemy Elixir in several shades. Please do not take the advice of a bunch of weirdos who recommend printing very hot in PAE. It's a PLA and it should work fine at your standard PLA temps (around 205). I call this the cursed banana because the first time I ran across it I thought it looked very much like something else in a banana suit. Please attach your impractical cursed banana to a keychain using a jump ring, as the hole is a failure point and cannot take a lot of pressure. This set includes one flat banana for simple printing, and one set of matching bananas that can be glued together using the rectangular peg for stability, for more of a 3D effect.






