Pencil drawing kit travel case with lit

Pencil drawing kit travel case with lit


Tired of lost or broken pencils ? Here is the solution, put your compleete drawing kit into this case with lockable lit then they are safe and in good shape when you need them. the lit can be stored at the bottom of main part, so it is not in the way or forgotten. Print instructions : HIGH risk of warping, this is not a first time print for beginners, so clean bed well, use heated bed 60C all the way 0.2mm layer height is fine, PLA i normally print at 200C, plenty of cooling, solid layers: 4 bottom, 4 wall, 4 top, and 15% infill, and offcourse rotate parts correctly. The lit is oversized 0.4mm in X and Y (version1) The lit is oversized 0.6mm in X and Y (version2) so if your 3D printer makes corners and walls, correctly and is known to create items to correct scale, the lit should fit just fine, maybe you need to drill up the two holes to 5.2mm. or maybe consider to upscale the lit a tiny bit if your printer dont create perfectly straight outher / inner walls






